Keeping Your Smile Healthy
At Smiles By Design in Kernersville, NC, we believe that oral health is the foundation for overall well-being. Our practice offers a wide variety of dental services, from preventative to cosmetic, to maintain smiles and decrease risks of invasive procedures due to a lack of proper oral hygiene. From routine check-ups to cleaning and sealants, we combine state-of-the-art technology with an honest approach, only recommending services you truly need. Our exceptional staff is committed to maintaining your oral health with care and ensuring your smile lasts a lifetime.

Exams & Cleanings
Dental exams and cleanings are essential to maintaining and keeping good oral hygiene, and may prevent the need for more serious intervention in the future.


Sealants & Fillings

Periodontal Care

Teeth may need to be removed for a variety of reasons such as pain, crowding in the mouth, or decay and infection. We also offer wisdom tooth removal. If yours are causing pain or discomfort, it may be time to consider extracting them.
Call us at 336-993-7645 or contact us to make an appointment.